Wednesday, July 30, 2008

DSLR versus Compact Super Zoom Camera

This afternoon, we have a little discussion inside the office of the differences between DSLR and super zoom compact camera. Nowsaday the compact camera functionality is almost similar to DSLR. Like the Canon S5IS, it can be used as point and shoot as well as manual control of focus, ISO plus there are lots of scene selections which I am still exploring. The conclusion is that there is not much different unless you are a professional who are willing to invest thousands in lens. DSLR has much better CMOS sensor that reduce noise and bigger aperture that will allow more light to enter the camera even with short shuttle speed. Yes, this is the problem with my S51S. When taking photo in low light without using flash and due to the much longer shuttle speed and my hand shake, the photo is not sharp. However I am still not going to invest in getting a DSLR. A compact super zoom is good enough for me as I mostly used it as point and shoot. Hopefully one day the CMOS sensor of compact camera will be further improved to reduce the noise and bigger aperture allowed to let more light through at low illumination.

Below are photos taken with the S5IS last week.

Plum blossom taken at abandoned farm near my house.

Irish dance - Taken without flash

Lavender under the sum

Strawberry in pots.


Greg Wee said...

hi William. You've got a great camera there. You should link up to flickr or photobucket & then enlarge your photos on your blog. I did that with my other blog at It's tricky cos I still can't do it well for the landscape format photos. Part of it disappears. But it's worth a try. Would love to see a larger version of your photos.

William said...

Hi Greg,

Thank you for dropping by. I will certainly try that sometime. Not having a flickr account yet but might apply one over the weekend.